Google recently announced that Gmail will soon require all businesses to update or implement a DMARC record to authenticate their email communications. This is a part of their strategy to reduce spam, phishing and malware attacks. Having an updated DMARC record will soon be compu...
With escalating cyber threats such as spam, phishing, and malware, ensuring the safety of email communications has become critical for businesses. The upcoming requirements from Google and Yahoo for email authentication underscore the need for robust security protocols. This fact...
...It was tough to narrow this list down to just a handful, as there have been so many awesome projects and clients we’ve worked with. But (I THINK) these would have to be my most memorable projects.
Building custom forms into your website is a great way to generate new business, better service your existing customers, and generally make your life as a business owner easier. We really believe in unlocking the power of your website to better leverage your business and streaml...
I don’t know about anyone else, but we feel like coming into 2023, there is a bit of electricity in the air. The last few years have been spent living in survival mode for all of us. But things are now moving forward. The general consensus amongst our community of small busine...
Previously, we published an article on why your business should be blogging. Mainly because a successful content marketing strategy is essential to strengthening your online presence and growing your small business. Blogging and blogging well is also a core component of any go...
1. Your site is over three years old and has never been updated. It goes without saying that internet technology has changed rapidly and dramatically over the last few years. Every year we learn more and more about unlocking the power of the internet for small businesses. Inn...
For any successful content marketing strategy, blogging (and blogging well) is king. Why do we love content marketing? At a foundational level, content marketing is driven by your desire to actually help your customers. Especially true of small businesses, the reason we s...
Most of our clients are small businesses, and so we will attempt to answer this question within the context of Australian small business. And context is essential when deciding which digital platform to spend your time and money on. Word of mouth, of course, will always reign su...
In our last post, Part One: Social Media, Context Matters , I spoke a little to the power of social media as being dependent on context. For small businesses, in particular, some industries suit social media marketing more than others, depending on the nature of the business ...
There has to come a point in your professional career where you start to question how much you value your time. If you don’t value your own time, I guarantee no one else will. This is where the question of outsourcing comes into play. And how I started to learn the v...
As any brand is looking to strengthen their online presence and positively impact their financial successes, evaluating and utilising SEO and SEM strategies is crucial. SEO (search engine optimization) and SEM (search engine marketing) work tandem with one another, although they...
Time is a precious commodity, and only a fool would want or choose to waste it. This is why when I was watching a client, whose website I don’t manage, finagling his way through WordPress, trying in vain to add a new page to his website, trying to figure out its interfa...
One of the most important metrics to track when trying to understand the effectiveness of your business website is time on site. While this metric is ignored by many, it’s a strong indicator of whether your website is pulling its weight in the marketing equation. Before we get ...
Following a 6-month intensive (and ongoing) process to make more extensive use of and over 100 gigs later, here are my main Fiverr gigs - enjoy... EDIT: The links I had in place were all broken so please use the below list as a sample of just some of the uses ...
In the modern marketing world, there seems to have developed this assumption regarding SEO, in that SEO undoubtedly and unequivocally always leads to increased sales. Business owners often seek out professional SEO work with the belief that ranking higher on Google means they'...
As long as you have a website (especially a business one), you’ve probably come across the term bounce rate. Either from conversations or through checking your website analytics through Google Analytics.
Well, let’s quickly define what a bounce rate is and wha...
Ok, the ultimate answer to this question is going to be fairly obvious (given this is an article written by a website designer and developer) but the question is worth exploring to help gain an understanding of precisely why you would/should have a website... Imagine you’re a...
Search engine optimisation is a pretty critical, yet often misunderstood aspect of website development and market strategy. Realistically, as business owners we all need it, yet few of us can do it ourselves (successfully), and even fewer of us know the best places to go to fin...